Cancer Opportunities

Buy the Cancer Opportunities book now

This is your time to heal and grow. Your invitation to transition into a new life.

This book is here to help you process the most emotionally impactful moments of your journey in living with cancer. You will soon discover that the author takes you even beyond, into the realm of possibilities, of what your life can be from now on, while helping you get there.

n this easy-to-read book, you will discover what you can do yourself to support your body in healing after a cancer diagnosis. It is full of experiences, theory and tasks. Less anxiety means more healing. The self-help method of Logosynthesis helps!

E-Book (English)



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Transform your Space to Support your Journey

At times, our thinking may lead us into spiraling down, while we aim to raise above, soar high, and heal. You can use these circles not only to decorate your space, but to remind you where to invest your energy: into transforming your mind, and into focusing on health.
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